Free ConfigMgr Task Sequence Monitoring Tool

Update! (Nov 19 2015 – If you experienced the issue with the app appearing and immediately disappearing again, this has been fixed in the latest release v1.2.1)

Today I am pleased to release a new free application for System Center Configuration Manager users: ConfigMgr Task Sequence Monitor 🙂


It is a tool for monitoring or reviewing task sequence executions in Configuration Manager and is particularly useful for monitoring Operating System deployments.  Where integration with MDT is available and the MDT monitoring web service has been enabled, the app can include the data from MDT for an enhanced monitoring experience of your ZTI OS deployments.

Action output can be displayed for each step of the task sequence, giving more detail about the execution of that step, and is useful for quickly identifying the cause of any errors in the task sequence execution.

The app can also generate an HTML deployment summary report for any task sequence.

Check it out here:

The tool is my first publicly released WPF application coded entirely in PowerShell, so I welcome any feedback!

20 thoughts on “Free ConfigMgr Task Sequence Monitoring Tool

  1. I can’t get this to run on Windows 7 Enterprise or Windows 10 enterprise. I see a brief window flash but then nothing loads. I have all the pre-reqs. Thoughts?

  2. I’m not able to modify the error count number. I’m able to modify the refresh period. Thoughts? Windows 10 enterprise.

  3. Hello,
    I am wondering what permissions a user needs in order to be able to see the Task Sequences? Our engineers can see the task sequences in the list, however I am unable to see them while I am logged in.

  4. Eden Oliveira

    Hi Trevor, I am getting ERROR Could not connect to SQL Server database. I am running it as the SQL Admin from my Windows 10. I first install it as local admin, bu then I tried to run it as different user (Using my SCCM MDT Admin account), didnt work.

    For the three fields:
    SQL Server: Hostname only
    Databe: Three letters
    MDT Monitirng URL: Full URL of my Monitoring Server (Happens to be the SCCM server)

    Any ideas.


    1. Hi Eden,

      Try running the following POSH code as the same user on the same machine. It should give you the actual error returned by the SQL server.

      $SQLServer = “sql\instance”
      $Database = “CM_ABC”
      $Query = “Select top 10 * from v_R_System”
      $ConnectionTimeout = “10”

      $connectionString = “Server=$SQLServer;Database=$Database;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=$ConnectionTimeout”
      $connection = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
      $connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
      try { $connection.Open() }
      Catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red; Continue }

      $command = $connection.CreateCommand()
      $command.CommandText = $Query
      try { $reader = $command.ExecuteReader() }
      Catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red; $connection.Close(); Continue }

      $table = New-Object -TypeName ‘System.Data.DataTable’
      return $table | Out-GridView


  5. Hi Trevor,

    Great work on this.

    I’m currently planning a similar project for my workplace. Any chance of having a sneak peak at the powershell behind this?

    Rich Mawdsley

  6. Works great but if you are running Cylance for your anti-virus it blocks it because it is writing to the app data temp directory. Give it the ability to write those files back into its own directory then Cylance will not detect it and it will work. Because it is powershell scripts and writes to temp directory. The hash is always changing so that is why it gets block.

  7. Great tool! I couldn’t find the report for ages but then I remembered I was running the app as an admin so was looking in the wrong temp file!!!

  8. I’ve been using this app for years and it’s saved me hours! or puring thru status messages. However, with our 1909 upgrade, it seems to stop reporting after the restart after the OS Upgrade – the task sequence continues on with lots of other steps, but they don’t show in TSM, but show in Status Messages.
    On closer inspection, the Component switches from Task Sequence Engine to Software Distribution. Bet if I could get to the source, I could tweak a query…

      1. There’s a file listed as source files, but it’s only a revision XML. Can we get access to the actual source? I’d like the try to fix the issue i’m having with my TS steps showing as Software Distributions, so they don’t show in the monitor.

  9. Now, while it says it’s connected, the drop box doesn’t list the Task-sequences anymore, as if there would be none.
    It does say connected to SQL though.
    My Site in on 2111

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