Fixed: ConfigMgr Task Sequence Monitor :)

Good news 🙂  After several people reported that the ConfigMgr Task Sequence Monitor app would close immediately after opening, I investigated and found a small bug in the code that seems to affect only certain configurations.  Today I released version 1.2.1 which addresses this issue, so please download the app again from the following link:

Thanks to everyone who reported the bug!


5 thoughts on “Fixed: ConfigMgr Task Sequence Monitor :)

  1. He I’m having an isuue after your fix.

    In the task sequence dropdown box my task sequence is not displayed correctly
    It should be “Deploy OS” but the “Deploy OS” is displayed like this
    ” ”
    so I can select each character of “Deploy OS” as a task sequence


  2. Hi, i’m having some troubles using your tool.
    I can connect to SQL datebase but when I try to select task sequence it’s empty.

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