Windows 10 Feature Update Readiness PowerBI Report (MEMCM version)

Following on from my previous post where I shared a PowerBI report that provides information on Windows 10 feature update blocks using Update Compliance and Desktop Analytics, in this post I will share another report that exposes similar data, but this time built from custom hardware inventory data in MEMCM.

Outside of the Windows setup process, feature update compatibility is assessed on a Windows 10 device by the ‘Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser’ – a scheduled task that runs daily and the results of which form part of the telemetry data that gets uploaded to Microsoft from the device. The specifics of this process are still somewhat shrouded in mystery, but thanks to the dedication of people like Adam Gross we can lift the lid a little bit on understanding compatibility assessment results. I highly recommend reading his blog if your interested in a more in-depth understanding.

Some compatibility data is stored in the registry under HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags, and in particular the subkey TargetVersionUpgradeExperienceIndicators contains useful compatibility information for different W10 releases such as the GatedBlockIds, otherwise known as the Safeguard Hold Ids, some of which are published by Microsoft on their Windows 10 Known Issues pages. Since the release of Windows 10 2004, many devices have been prevented from receiving a W10 feature update by these Safeguard holds, so reporting on them can be useful to identify which devices are affected by which blocks, and which devices are not affected and are candidates for upgrade.

By inventorying these registry keys with MEMCM I built the PowerBI report shown above where you can view data such as:

  • Which Safeguard holds are affecting which devices
  • Rank of model count
  • Rank of OS version count
  • The upgrade experience indicators (UE)
  • UE red block reasons

Note that this data alone doesn’t replace a solution like Desktop Analytics which can help identify devices with potential app or driver compatibility issues, but it’s certainly helpful with the Safeguard holds.

You can also use this data to build collections in MEMCM containing devices that are affected by a Safeguard hold. Because this is based on inventory data, when a Safeguard hold is released by Microsoft those devices will move naturally out those collections.

Understanding the data

Because of the lack of any public documentation around the compatibility appraiser process, we have to take (hopefully!) intelligent guesses as to what the data means.

Under the TargetVersionUpgradeExperienceIndicators registry key for example, you may find subkeys for 19H1, 20H1, 21H1 or even older Windows 10 versions. I haven’t found any keys for *H2 releases though, and I can only assume it’s because the Safeguard holds for a H1 release are the same for the H2 release. From the Windows 10 Known Issues documentation this seems to be the case.

There is also a UNV subkey – I assume that means Universal and contains data that applies across any feature update.

Under the *H1 keys (I suppose I should call it a branch, really) we can try to understand some of the main keys such as:

  • FailedPrereqs – I haven’t seen any devices yet that actually failed the appraiser’s prerequisites, but I assume the details would be logged here if they were.
  • AppraiserVersion, SdbVer, Version, DateVer* – I assume these indicate the version of the compatibility appraiser database used for the assessment
  • DataExp*, DataRel* – these seem to indicate the release and expiry dates for the Appraiser database so my assumption is a new one will be downloaded at or before expiry
  • GatedBlock* – the Id key in particular gives the Safeguard Hold Id/s that are blocking the device from upgrade
  • Perf – this appears to be a general assessment of the performance of the device. A low performing device will likely take longer to upgrade
  • UpgEx* – these seem to be a traffic-light rating for the ‘upgrade experience’. The UpgExU seems to stand for Upgrade Experience Usage – I don’t know what the difference between the two is. Green is good, right, so a green device is going to be a good upgrade experience, yellow or orange not so great, red is a blocker. I don’t know exactly what defines each colour other than that…
  • RedReason – if you’ve got a red device, it’s blocked from upgrade by something – but this isn’t related to Safeguard holds as far as I can tell. It seems to be related to the keys under HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\CompatMarkers\*H1, such as BlockedByBios, BlockedByCpu for example. The only one I’ve seen in practice is the SystemDriveTooFull block.

Configure Custom Hardware Inventory

Alright, so first we need to configure hardware inventory in MEMCM to include the registry keys we want to use. You can use the RegKey2Mof utility, or you can download the files below to update your Configuration.mof file and your Client Settings / hardware inventory classes. I’ll assume you are familiar with that process.




If you choose to use different names for the created classes, you’ll need to update the PowerBI report as it uses those names.

Download the PowerBI Report

Download the PBI template from here:

Windows 10 Feature Updates Readiness

Open opening, you’ll need to add the SQL server and database name for your MEMCM database:

You won’t see any data until devices have started sending hardware inventory that includes the custom classes.

Note that I have included pages for both 20H1 and 21H1, but the latter is just a placeholder for now as no actual compatibility data will be available until that version is released, or close to.

MEMCM collections

You can also build collections like those shown above by adding a query rule and using the names created by the custom classes – in this case TwentyHOne and TwentyOneHOne. Use the value option to find which GatedBlockIds are present in your environment.

Hope it helps!

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