Forcing a ConfigMgr Client to Send a New CCMEval Report

In order to maintain a healthy ConfigMgr environment, it is important to know that your clients have successfully run the Configuration Manager Health Evaluation task and reported the results to the Site server.  Sometimes you will find a number of systems that have not reported any health status to the Site server.  In the Devices node of the ConfigMgr Console, you will find “No Results” for the Client Check Result, and the Client Check Detail tab displays nothing, even though the system may be active.



To identify the list of active systems that either have not reported health evaluation results, or have failed the evaluation, I use the following SQL query:

sys.Name0 as 'Computer Name',
sys.User_Name0 as 'User Name',
case when summ.ClientActiveStatus = 0 then 'Inactive'
 when summ.ClientActiveStatus = 1 then 'Active'
 end as 'ClientActiveStatus',
case when summ.IsActiveDDR = 0 then 'Inactive'
 when summ.IsActiveDDR = 1 then 'Active'
 end as 'IsActiveDDR',
case when summ.IsActiveHW = 0 then 'Inactive'
 when summ.IsActiveHW = 1 then 'Active'
 end as 'IsActiveHW',
case when summ.IsActiveSW = 0 then 'Inactive'
 when summ.IsActiveSW = 1 then 'Active'
 end as 'IsActiveSW',
case when summ.ISActivePolicyRequest = 0 then 'Inactive'
 when summ.ISActivePolicyRequest = 1 then 'Active'
 end as 'ISActivePolicyRequest',
case when summ.IsActiveStatusMessages = 0 then 'Inactive'
 when summ.IsActiveStatusMessages = 1 then 'Active'
 end as 'IsActiveStatusMessages',
case when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 1 then 'Not Yet Evaluated'
 when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 2 then 'Not Applicable'
 when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 3 then 'Evaluation Failed'
 when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 4 then 'Evaluated Remediated Failed'
 when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 5 then 'Not Evaluated Dependency Failed'
 when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 6 then 'Evaluated Remediated Succeeded'
 when LastHealthEvaluationResult = 7 then 'Evaluation Succeeded'
 end as 'Last Health Evaluation Result',
case when LastEvaluationHealthy = 1 then 'Pass'
 when LastEvaluationHealthy = 2 then 'Fail'
 when LastEvaluationHealthy = 3 then 'Unknown'
 end as 'Last Evaluation Healthy',
case when summ.ClientRemediationSuccess = 1 then 'Pass'
 when summ.ClientRemediationSuccess = 2 then 'Fail'
 else ''
 end as 'ClientRemediationSuccess',
from v_CH_ClientSummary summ
inner join v_R_System sys on summ.ResourceID = sys.ResourceID
where summ.LastEvaluationHealthy in (2,3)
and summ.ClientActiveStatus = 1
order by summ.LastActiveTime Desc

In most cases where the evaluation status reports “Unknown” by this query, you will find that the client has actually run the health evaluation task, it just hasn’t reported the results to the management point for some reason.  I published a PowerShell script previously that lets you view the current health evaluation status on any remote computer by reading the CCMEvalReport.xml file – you can find the script here.

For these “Unknown” status systems, however, I want to force the client to send a health evaluation report to its management point, so I prepared the following PowerShell script to do that.  It can run either against the local computer, or a remote computer.  Admin rights are required on the target system, and if running against the local computer the script must be run as administrator.

The script simply sets the SendAlways flag for CCMEval reports in the registry to “TRUE”, triggers the CM Health Evaluation task to run, waits for it to finish, then changes the SendAlways flag back to “FALSE”.  When the CCMEval program runs with the SendAlways flag set, it will always send the report to the management point even if the client health status has not changed since the last report.

You can verify that from the CcmEval.log on the client:


Within a few minutes you should find that the status for that system has been updated in the ConfigMgr Console with the health evaluation results.

To run the script against the local machine, run PowerShell as administrator and simply do:


To run against a remote computer:

Send-CCMEvalReport -ComputerName PC001

The script also supports verbose output:

Send-CCMEvalReport -ComputerName PC001 -Verbose


Here’s the full code:


        [String]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

# Code to set 'SendAlways' in registry
$SendAlways = {
    $Path = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\CCM\CcmEval"

        $null = New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name 'SendAlways' -Value $Value -Force -ErrorAction Stop

# Run against local computer
If ($ComputerName -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME)
    If (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))
        Write-Warning "This cmdlet must be run as administrator against the local machine!"

    Write-Verbose "Enabling 'SendAlways' in registry"
    $Result = Invoke-Command -ArgumentList "TRUE" -ScriptBlock $SendAlways 

    If (!$Result.Exception)
        Write-Verbose "Triggering CM Health Evaluation task"
        Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { schtasks /Run /TN "Microsoft\Configuration Manager\Configuration Manager Health Evaluation" /I }

        Write-Verbose "Waiting for ccmeval to finish"
        do {} while (Get-process -Name ccmeval -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

        Write-Verbose "Disabling 'SendAlways' in registry"
        Invoke-Command -ArgumentList "FALSE" -ScriptBlock $SendAlways
        Write-Error $($Result.Exception.Message)
# Run against remote computer
    Write-Verbose "Enabling 'SendAlways' in registry"
    $Result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ArgumentList "TRUE" -ScriptBlock $SendAlways

    If (!$Result.Exception)
        Write-Verbose "Triggering CM Health Evaluation task"
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock { schtasks /Run /TN "Microsoft\Configuration Manager\Configuration Manager Health Evaluation" /I }

        Write-Verbose "Waiting for ccmeval to finish"
        do {} while (Get-process -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name ccmeval -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

        Write-Verbose "Disabling 'SendAlways' in registry"
        Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ArgumentList "FALSE" -ScriptBlock $SendAlways
        Write-Error $($Result.Exception.Message)

6 thoughts on “Forcing a ConfigMgr Client to Send a New CCMEval Report

  1. Thanks for the script – it works great for the most…but…on about 10 of our clients it consumes 99% CPU and doesnt end. Any ideas on how to stop it from doing this? I think the pattern so far shows it effects Server 2012 R2 only.
    Thanks in advance!

      1. Hi Trevor

        When I run the command with the verbose switch on, you can see that it hits 99% CPU and chews up memory too (which gets higher and higher). This appears to be choking on the “Waiting for ccmeval to finish” step:

        I found an article recommending using the “Version 2” switch (PowerShell 2), and this immediately reduces the memory – but still kills the CPU.

        As mentioned, the pattern is definitely Server 2012 R2 that this effects, as I have run this on about 100 servers and only Server 2012 R2 has this issue.

        I have manually tested this multiple times on multiple servers and the behaviour is the same.



      2. I am unable to reproduce that issue. I tested on an W2K12R2 server and it worked fine. The only thing it is doing at that point in the script is checking for the existence of the ‘ccmeval’ process in a do-while loop:

        Get-process -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name ccmeval -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

  2. Thanks for looking into it anyway – I guess it must be an environmental thing. It only happened to about 10 (unrelated) servers out of about 100 anyway.

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